Showing posts with label NetBeans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NetBeans. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

NetBeans 7.1 is here and ...

The official announcement came almost a week ago and for me it almost coincided with another event. The guys from PACKT Publishing gave me the chance to review another one of their books.

First about the IDE:
May be the release notes would be more informative than the official announcement. At least it contains all the possible links you might need along with the latest top features presented visually. Of course there is this video presentation, which is worth watching.
It seems this time the focus is on JavaFX. Its 2.0 version is covered in a way that makes its applications' configuration and deployment easy and complete - it seems you won't miss a feature here. 
From the other features presented in the video the most attractive seemed the visual debugger, the batch and selective rectangular re-factoring and the enhanced maven integration.

Once I have more time to make some stuff with it, I'll report. Which leads me to the second point - the book:

Going through this book is a nice opportunity to check the new architecture of the revamped JBoss Application Server. I guess (and hope) it will have some in-depth tweaks. Scrolling over its TOC increased my appetite seeing topics like clustering, security and cloud leveraging. I'm anxious to start it, so I'll say no more in this post.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Developing "in the cloud"

To continue from the last two posts and driven by curiosity, I decided to see if a DropBoxed GlassFish application server (along with its built in JavaDB database) will be able to complement the dropboxed NetBeans IDE I already use on three Linux systems.

As a little detour I must state that these Linux systems are such that I have complete access over them. If I had to work in a more mixed environment (e.g. in Windows or in any system without administrative privileges), I would still use OS independent packages, but I would use a USB flash drive as a carrier. It doesn't seem appropriate for one to utilize the service on a machine that is publicly shared. It comes to my mind that going hardcore, could make you try to install a DropBox on the system in question (whether I doubt it is possible without administrative privileges) and as synchronized folder to use one on a flash drive. But I have the impression that, at least currently, the DropBox service is not intended for such loose usage.

So! GlassFish. OS independent ZIP archive. Extracting it somewhere under the DropBox root folder completes its installation. It takes some minutes (or maybe hour, or two) to propagate, but as usual, this has never been a concern.
Now - configuring and running seem to be more interesting. Adding the server in NetBeans under the "Servers" node is nothing special. You just point to the installation directory, where the ZIP was extracted. If you need to, specify a custom domain different from the default domain1 and that's it. NetBeans knows all the rest. If you start it from its node with the context menu, in a few seconds, you'll be able to access it in a browser. Of course it still needs certain configurations, so that not everybody has access to the administration console on port 4848, etc.
One good way to test the installation is to test it against the Quick Start Guide. If we say that the installation directory for the server is marked GF, the guide in question is the file:

It opens in a browser and explains with examples, what commands can be issued in the command line in order to make the administration tool do the right job for you. The tool is called asadmin and it starts the desired domain (or simply the default) and the database. In Linux the absolute and the relative paths should work the same way.
Another good testing method is to run through some tutorial, and what would be better than this one.
While taking it, it is interesting to observe what's going on in your DropBox. May be the most beautiful part is that the both entities - the syncing service and the development stack - just work. The development stack behaves like it exists in a usual file system, like it actually is. The service rapidly synchronizes the bunch of small files that are created and/or modified during the development process - changing configuration files, writing to log files, deploying the different types of Java archives to the domain sub-folders of the server, etc.
Opening your "Events" page on the DropBox web site you'll see something like this:

This of course is not the full list, but as you can see the more details are easily accessible by clicking the appropriate link:

I read some time ago a question on StackOverflow that someone had trouble running the JavaDB database after installing the GalssFish server in his DropBox folder. All I can say is that it worked in my set of environments from the command line. But just because NetBeans is good enough to manage a development environment on its own, I use it for the same purpose. Registering the application server with the IDE is the only required step - as a consequence it manages the built-in database pretty well. And after running the examples from the FirstCup tutorial on one of my machines, I could very easily review exactly the same data on every other machine registered with the syncing service:

I heard some categorizations that DropBox is a "cloud service". I don't know if this is a fair comparison, because cloud computing although becoming better and better defined every day, still has some vague boundaries. Despite that the feeling when working with my mirrored and aptly synchronized small-project-sized-single-user-development-environment is like I have one computer everywhere I go. I guess at least this is what the Coluds are trying to achieve. So if we're already there, there's nothing left but to wait and see what will be the next challenge.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Another way to be portable

Few months ago I found DropBox. I almost immediately started using it as holder of some sample NetBeans projects. Its seamless integration with the host OS and immediate synchronising of the project files amazed me. These guys have done a wonderful job. I know they are being criticised about security and privacy matters, but if you get to become paranoid about your sensitive data why use Internet at all?

At first I didn't think of it as a variant of portability - actually portable are only your projects, and not the IDE. This in fact is more similar to a very simplified one-user-version-control. And for small projects I guess I would be happy with it. I would call it cloud portability, but it still would be about the projects.

And there's the idea - what if I installed the IDE in my DropBox folder? There are few drawbacks that come into my mind:
  • It would take up most of my original 2 GB quota. This is not the greatest concern - I could invite some friends or at some point I even can go for a paid account.
  • Performance. May be this is the biggest (as usual) concern. But since the IDE is copied on every HDD I installed DropBox on, it will be ran form a hard drive and not from a flash drive. This leads me to the next concern.
  • Synchronised environments. In order for the IDE to work at all I'll have to use the same classpaths for the JVM and the libraries. And may be at some point even for any servers. I know your next question - why not install everything in the DropBox folder? It seems tempting. Something bothers me here. I'm not very sure what exactly it is, but I'll figure it soon. May be the best way to find out is to just do the thing and watch it how it moves.
One thing is certain - installing the IDE will be as slow as your bandwidth. I mean, not installing it on the local hard drive, but sending it to your other PCs. Well this is not a real worry - DropBox does the transfer, not you. And if your remote PC is online, once you get there you'll might already have the IDE on it.

I'm kind of tempted to do it, but may be after some more considerations.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

NB 6.7 - следващата итерация

Ето, че повече от седмица измина откакто излезе новата версия (6.7) на любимото IDE и вече е време за малко впечатления. Не съм се ровил надълбоко, но новости могат да се открият и на повърхността - при изпълнение на тривиални задачи, като създаването на нов проект например.
Ще спомена само какво ми се наби на очи при бърз поглед върху средата.
При създаване на нов проект, първоначално всички категории са дезактивирани. Това означава, че преди не е работено по проект от тази категория и за да се активиря тя, просто се натиска бутона за следващата стъпка. Според мен това е новост свързана с платформата, която има общо с повишена ефективнаост при използване на паметта.
Друга видима разлика е вкарване на поддръжката на maven проектите в ядрото (вместо да се тегли като плъгин) , като заедно с това тук е разширен и списъка с категориите:

Още нещо, което от скоро е хит сред разработчиците в общността - Project KENAI. Това е поддържана от (все още) SUN Microsystems услуга за взаимопомощ между разработчици и подслоняване на проекти (друга аналогична инициатива е Google Code). Интеграцията с NetBeans прави използването на услугата естествена част от процеса на разработка. Може да се намери в собствено подменю в менюто "Team".
Трябва да се отбележи, че версия на средата за новата версия на JavaFX (1.2) ще се появи малко по-късно като добавка, поради закъснение при хората от JavaFX.
За сега толкова. В очакване на седмата версия, скоро може заедно да хвърлим едно око на платформата на IDE-то, като отворим капака и надзърнем в непрекъснато развиващото се API.

Friday, 21 November 2008

The New One - 6.5

The latest version is out already. 6.5 
What impressed me the most? The Early Access of the Python editor of course - I expected it for some time. The best part is that the underlying Jython runtime isn't obligatory for you. Just choose from the menu Tools > Python Platforms and you may define whatever platform you use on your own. It doesn't matter if it's the official CPython distribution installed localy or the Portable version from your USB drive, or else.
Still hadn't enogh time to dig in the IDE, but the first impression while creating new project and coding some lines is that it really feels better and lighter than the 6.1 version. 
And what's more, it behaves quite nice on a USB drive - adjusted properly NetBeans can be a beautiful portable application (despite that it is expectedly much slower compared to a desktop install).
Now I can't wait to try develop a Django web application with MySQL or PostgreSQL back end managed by the IDE. I know NetBeans is already mature enogh for that development task.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

At last iReport for/in NetBeans!

Two of my favorite Open Source projects finally met.
Few years ago JasperReports became de facto number one open source reports engine according to its popularity. Of course JarperReports wouldn't get such wide-spread acceptance without the
graphical designer iReport (an independent project at first; later they became one joined by JasperSoft). Although a powerful tool for quickly setting professionally looking reports, iReport lacked some robustness in the user interface. Sometimes using it for few hours, building heavy reports with lots of fields, text boxes, etc. made it slow and even unresponsive. As we can see now a decision for that issue had been sought. And what is better than a proven IDE platform?
The guys from JasperForge have been playing around with the most popular IDE platforms (at least for two I know - eclipse and NetBeans) and made a choice. Now there are plug-ins for the both of the platforms (the one for eclipse was the first one and instructions for installing it in the eclipse IDE are packed within the installation bundle). Nevertheless the final decision
was in favor of NetBeans. Not only there is a plug-in (an NBM file) for the platform, and not only there is a preview version of iReport built upon the platform, but there is the road-map.
It says that the project is moving completely. Two or three weeks ago JasperSoft were the presented featured partner on the NetBeans site.

The wait still continues. The new project is in a little more than a preview state. It is stable enough and reports can be made easily (the NetBeans style - something a bit odd for people who are used to iReport's way of doing things) but still there are some important functionalities that are missing (the chart tool for example). The current version is 0.9 and they promise that in the summer there gonna be a rejoin between the version numbers (now the old-fashioned iReport's version replies to the JasperReport's one).

So, big thumbs up for that pleasant and powerful union and hope the result will deserve the applause.