I already published two almost identical reviews at Developer Zone and Amazon. I feel it is clear what are the purpose and the structure of Java EE 6 Development with NetBeans 7. The reasons for why I like it are not just that I needed such reference for a long time and it finally showed up. I liked it because it is straight to the point. Promptly teaches you what you need to do, with further details where possible and reveals the technology gradually and remarkably fully for the given small amount of pages.
So in the sake of diversity, completeness and to give the book the coverage it deserves, I'll pay a bit more attention to its contents.
The introductory chapters
The first three chapters might be considered as legacy. I mean, they are there in favor of the complete beginners. On the other hand most of the functions represented here can be found in the same or similar form through the previous versions of the IDE. Those are the features that define the NetBeans way - the keys for simplicity, speed and robustness during your development process.First we're introduced with the IDE. From installing it to adding and managing application and database servers - it is all a fundamental knowledge. Even if you only create desktop applications the chances are rather small, that you'll never have to work with database. This knowledge is just a must precondition.
After that a similar thing is done for Java EE and how it is backed by the IDE. If the reader is not a bit more familiar with Servlets, JSPs, configuring the security, etc. this introduction can't be enough. Here you'll see presented the ready templates and configuration-tweaking editors that require such basic knowledge.
Finally we're given the tag palettes. They are organised around the forms in the applications' pages. NetBeans gives us automation for the HTML tags that require most effort when written by hand, and for some of the JSTL tags.
The nicest example I found here is a small tutorial on how to create custom JSP tags - sometimes the wide JSTL extension over HTML still might not be enough functional or flexible.
The basics of the Enterprise Java
In the following two chapters we meet the newer wave in the Java EE history - the Java Sever Faces (JSF) framework over the core Servelt and JSP APIs and a complementary component library - PrimeFaces.
Since every chapter in the book can be taken as a separate tutorial for creating a certain technology-centered throw-away application, these two chapters are visually oriented. In terms of the MVC design pattern here we're shown how to create the View. The JSF API is backed up by lots of wizards - managed beans, facelets, components, etc. Do you think this is enough? Well, NetBeans don't. They provide the PrimeFaces components integration, so with the help of fast code-completion very decently looking pages can be built that could have tabbed layout, or to behave like wizards. Of course I wish there was at least a plugin that could bring the tags in their own palette, but I guess this integration is in an early stage.
The core innovations to Java EE 6
In the previous version of the SDK, the Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) API consisted of three types of Enterprise Beans - entity beans, session beans and message-driven beans. With the API's evolution, the first ones were extracted to their own specification comprising the Java Persistence API (JPA). Another new feature covered is the Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) - long awaited, after all it is one of the things that made the Spring framework so famous.
To the Enterprise Beans and CDI's integration are dedicated the next four chapters of the book. The one for JPA is my favorite tutorial, because it shows not only the power of the IDE to automate the creation of data components. It gives a whole MVC application - JSF application extracted from the paired database. The rest of these chapters concentrate on the business tire in an enterprise application. We see how easily can be created modules and clients, message resources, qualifiers and stereotypes. Everything is there after a few clicks in the file wizard, smartly coded templates ready for customization.
Java EE 6 and the Open Web
The web services are left for the last two chapters. The classic SOAP services, using heavy XML for data transfer versus the modern RESTful services that utilize the lighter JSON data format. Both are equally and very well covered. To the point that NetBeans has a nice graphical editor for configuring the parameters of a service.
As examples we can see a SOAP web service created from existing EJB module and from ready WSDL file, and RESTful web service created from existing database. The last one also has a client created for it.
The Appendixes
I cannot imagine developing some application without debugging some of its trickier methods at a point. Doing it for an enterprise application is generally a bit more difficult, regarding the external execution environment - the server. NetBeans proves such difficulty does not exist.
I must admit that the Profiler is the NetBeans's prominent performance tool that I never had a chance to use in working conditions. Yet having it in the IDE for such a long time (if memory doesn't fool me, after version 5.5 it became integrated, instead of being a separate plugin) is a persuasive argument towards its quality.
Like I said in the external reviews, code templates customization and the possibility for adding custom palettes, deserved at least another appendix, but after all this is a Java-EE-6-centric book, and NetBeans is just the tool. Anyway, I personally like very much the way this book gives credit to the IDE, to its grade of integration with the SDK. The plethora of examples might comprise only to throw-away applications, but they are so technology-aware that throwing-away option easily might be transformed to merging-and-extending option. Have fun!